Thursday, July 19, 2012

Uniquely Normal: New House Prioritization

The Man and I have been hard at work planning for our new house. ?We've price-shopped dozens of items and become familiar with many objects neither of us have purchased before. ?We scored a fantastic deal on a brand-new matching washer and dryer set at Home Depot (thanks to them price matching, offering a discount, and free delivery). ?We're still making lists right and left of to-dos, to-buys, and to-gets.

This prioritizing has been harder than actually buying the house!

Do we paint first and then move? ?Do we move in and then paint? ?Of course it would be easier to paint an empty house, but our apartment lease ends very soon after we get into our house, plus having people to help us becomes problematic later in August, so we pretty much have to move and then paint. ?But then we have to use more drop cloths, and it's just slower overall.

Do we run a cable drop into the "office" for internet, or do we use the "family room" as our "office" and the "office" as a TV-watching space? ?I think it would look pretty silly to walk into a house and see desks and craft supplies in the main living area, but the layout is a little awkward for our furniture at this point.

Do we prioritize new floors over new countertops? ?The floors are in good shape, but the carpet is likely to show wear sooner than later, and I'd really like to have a hardwood first floor.? But the countertops are tiled.? Mostly I just want to brain the people who think tile counters are a good idea. ?It's not that I like granite or marble countertops--I really don't! ?Laminate is just so much easier to care for, plus it's cheaper to replace. ?Also? ?Less mess.

If you were moving into a new house, what would your priorities be? ?Cleanliness? ?Organization? ?Remodeling? ?Painting? ?Inside or outside stuff? ?Sticking to a planned budget? ?Just getting your stuff?moved from point A to point B?


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