The Westboro Baptist Church continues to dominate headlines this week after threatening to picket the funerals of those lost during the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary last week. Find out what happened to @DearShirley, the protests they planned and more. (PHOTO: Flickr/k763)
It looks like Anonymous' fun at the hands of Westboro Baptist Church spokesperson Shirley Phelps-Roper might be at an end, because the @DearShirley account seized by young hacker CosmoTheGod has been disabled.
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Many on the internet were overjoyed on Monday after learning that Cosmo had commandeered?the @DearShirley Twitter account typically used by Westboro Baptist Church congregant and spokesperson Shirley Phelps-Roper. The attack followed weekend threats/promises from Anonymous?to retaliate against the WBC and its congregants should any of them decide to picket outside the funerals of Sandy Hook massacre victims in Connecticut. To show how serious they were, Anonymous also released all of the personal information they could collect on the Westboro Baptist Church congregation.
Television and radio host David Pakman also did his best?to prevent Westboro Baptist Church from physically picketing outside the funerals of the Sandy Hook massacre victims, though he didn't make much headway during a short discussion with WBC congregant Margie Phelps. Phelps was openly hostile towards Pakman, even going so far as to say that his audience was too small for her to waste her time discussing certain matters, and refused to discuss the recent conflict between Westboro Baptist Church and Anonymous. Although Margie Phelps promised to present Pakman's proposal?-- 30 minutes of uninterrupted air time in exchange for a promise not to picket in Newtown -- the host later returned to YouTube?to announce that he has rescinded his offer to the Westboro Baptist Church.
A number of petitions?have sprung up in recent days as well, including one on the White House's We The People website, and tens of thousands of Americans have called for their local, state, and federal governments to revoke the Westboro Baptist Church's tax-exempt status. Many would also like to see the congregation officially labeled a hate group.
The church doesn't appear to have followed through with threats to protest outside the funerals of the Sandy Hook victims who were buried on Monday, though there's no word yet on whether they still plan to make the trip.?they do apparently plan to picket the funeral of Sandy Hook Elementary School principal Dawn Hochsprung.
With the group making headlines over the last several days, an appearance by two Westboro Baptist Church members on "Brand X" has also gone viral again. Many were shocked to see how well comedian Russel Brand handled the vitriol that both men brought with them, and many applauded the well thought out answers he delivered during discussions with the two Westboro Baptist Church representatives.
Check out the video for yourself:
And if you didn't get a chance to see David Pakman's discussion with Margie Phelps:
What are your thoughts on the hostilities between Westboro Baptist Church and Anonymous? Think the hackers should back off? Wish they'd do more?
Let us know in the comments section!
Related Articles:
Westboro Baptist Church Spokesperson Shirley Phelps-Roper Loses Twitter Account To CosmoTheGod
Westboro Baptist Hacked: Anonymous Acts After Church Plans To Protest Sandy Hook Victims' Funerals [VIDEOS]
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Source: http://www.idigitaltimes.com/articles/13797/20121218/westboro-baptist-church-twitter-account.htm
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