Hypnotherapy & NLP Can Help Overcome Postpartum And Perinatal Dispair
Article by Alan Densky
All people experience feelings of sadness. For most people, these times last for a few hours or days. Nearly twenty percent of the world?s population, however, are diagnosed with major depression, which causes depression that lasts for weeks, months, or longer. These moods cause the person to develop difficulties functioning in work, family, or social interactions, which can become disabling.
Women who experience signs of depression after becoming pregnant may be treated for perinatal depression. This illness may begin at any point after a woman becomes pregnant, or any time thereafter, until the infant is a year old. Most commonly, however, women who develop this condition after childbirth are diagnosed with postpartum depression.
Perinatal depression or postpartum depression results from numerous causes. These causes can be physical. For example, women with a personal or familial history of major depression or mental illness are more likely to experience perinatal depression or postpartum depression. Furthermore, hormonal changes in postpartum mothers, like decreases in estrogen and progesterone amounts, can cause this condition. Postpartum thyroid disorders sometimes result in symptoms of depression such as exhaustion, negative moods, and despair.
At times, mental depression is caused by psychological factors. Mothers often feel tired and stressed in learning to manage the demands made by the new family member. These feelings are often increased by a lack of support from family, friends, or spouse. Money problems may also contribute to the development of postpartum depression.
Perinatal depression and postpartum depression often have serious outcomes for both the mother and the new baby. Anxiety and depression may hinder a mother from bonding completely with her infant or being capable of meeting her child?s physical and psychological needs. This may increase the mother?s sense of insignificance, guilt, and low self-worth.
The infant is also affected by the new mother?s problems. Failure to connect with his or her mom may result in the baby to experience trust problems in personal attachments throughout life. In addition, babies who do not get their physical or psychological needs met often fail to grow and develop properly. This problem, known as ?failure to thrive,? may be very serious or even deadly to the infant.
Perinatal depression or postpartum depression can affect everyone in the family. The spouse or significant other often feels ignored or unable to decrease the woman?s depression symptoms. This can severely hurt the partnership. Older children in the family often have related feelings, and develop school-related or peer problems as well.
Depression harms the entire family. Therefore, mothers experiencing perinatal depression or postpartum depression ought to seek depression treatment as quickly as possible. Several treatments can be used, including talk therapy and medication treatments. Medications, however, are sometimes dangerous for nursing infants, and sometimes yield erratic results due to the great hormonal fluctuations a mother experiences during these hectic months. Furthermore, typical counseling treatments are usually time-consuming and expensive.
Two approaches for dealing with depression that do not use medicines and often quickly yield dramatically beneficial results are hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Traditional Hypnotherapy is most effective for persons who can be effortlessly hypnotized or are capable of accepting suggestions without needing to analyze or comprehend them. Ericksonian hypnosis is very effective for those who tend to overanalyze. These techniques aid clients to unwind and eliminate stress.
For people who tend to be more critical or analytical individuals, NLP is often more beneficial. With NLP, trained professionals give clients depression help by assisting them to reprogram their thought processes. This approach can, very literally, allow an individual think through the depressive state and overcome it.
Individuals can overcome depression by developing NLP strategies like anchoring. They are taught to focus on times when they were happy and controlled their circumstances. Remembering the memory revives these feelings. Individuals are taught to put two fingers together while experiencing these emotions. The unconscious mind relates the touch of the two fingers with the feelings. Hence, the finger touch becomes an ?anchor.?
Then, when the client starts to feel stressed, he or she triggers the anchor by touching these same two fingers together again. This elicits feelings of self-control and creates empowerment.
By using another strategy called the Flash, clients learn to think away harmful emotions. They instruct their unconscious minds to instantly exchange positive thoughts for negative ones. When negative thoughts develop, the mind instantly substitutes them for positive thoughts. After developing this technique, clients find it almost impossible to think negative thoughts!
Summary: Perinatal depression and postpartum depression often have disastrous effects for a mother and her new infant. The remainder of the family is also deeply affected by these conditions. Due to the probable significance of the outcomes of this condition, women with depression ought to seek help as soon as signs develop. Two very beneficial treatments that do not require medicine or great outlays of time and financial resources are hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
About the Author
Alan B. Densky, CH specializes in depression related symptoms. He?s helped thousands of clients since 1978. He supplies CDs for hypnotic depression therapy. Visit his Neuro-VISION hypnosis for self improvement site for the
www.justbewell.com Link home page video for justbewell.com, the international team of hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners specialising in hypnotherapy, hypnosis and NLP worldwide.
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